The company is behind the Qortex Telehealth platform.
NEW YORK: Telehealth startup MedSign has named Hudson Cutler & Co. as its global PR AOR.
MedSign’s main product is the Qortex Telehealth System, a digital hub and camera combination for seniors, which allows them to remotely visit doctors and other health providers using their television set.
Robin Sharp, VP of marketing, PR and media at MedSign, said the company is b-to-b and working with the Departments of Health and Human Services and Veterans Affairs, but it is planning to switch to a consumer-facing strategy soon.
“We are b-to-b right now, but we’re going to be doing c-to-b, much like pharma, getting the consumers to call [healthcare providers] and asking them for [our product],” she said.
Influencers, email marketing, traditional advertising and PR are all part of MedSign’s marketing mix, Sharp said.
MedSign has asked Hudson Cutler to conduct an integrated campaign across channels, said agency CEO Robert Dowling.
“We have been focused out of the gate on thought leadership, earned media and the social channels people are paying attention to,” he said.
The company began working with Hudson Cutler last month after Sharp conducted an informal search. The firm is MedSign’s first PR shop. Sharp said the company’s head of counsel works with Hudson Cutler on social media and recommended the firm.
“The agency is very hands-on and boutique,” she added. “They are relationship-driven and I made the decision to go with them because of that.”
Shawn Amos, partner and chief storytelling officer, is leading Hudson Cutler’s five-person team on the account.
Hudson Cutler’s revenue grew 52% last year to $4.7 million, according to PRWeek’s Agency Business Report.