by Francis | Feb 2, 2021 | Press Releases
New York, NY—Many seniors typically eschew technology, which can complicate communication between the elderly and their loved ones. And with the coronavirus pandemic still raging, it complicates still further the elderly’s ability to check in with their primary care...
by Francis | Feb 2, 2021 | Press Releases
ArchCare announced it was installing MedSign’s Qortex Telehealth System for all ArchCare Senior Life participants, allowing them to connect with health care professionals through their home television rather than a computer or smartphone and reduce emergency room...
by Francis | Jun 4, 2020 | Media Coverage
You likely have encountered a shortage on toilet paper and disinfectant wipes during the COVID-19 pandemic, but perhaps less noticed has been a shortage in laptops, Chromebooks and tablets as much of the world moves to a work (and school) from home status. Google was...
by Francis | Jun 4, 2020 | Media Coverage
The company is behind the Qortex Telehealth platform. NEW YORK: Telehealth startup MedSign has named Hudson Cutler & Co. as its global PR AOR. MedSign’s main product is the Qortex Telehealth System, a digital hub and camera combination for seniors, which allows...
by Francis | Jun 4, 2020 | Media Coverage
There seems to be an explosion of new companies and technologies in the telehealth or telemedicine arena. Recently I met with MedSign International CEO Tom Conroy and VP of Marketing Robin Sharp. They briefed me on their new service called Qortex, which is a TV-based...